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[TowerTalk] Which 4 square

Subject: [TowerTalk] Which 4 square
From: Ignacy Misztal <>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2020 10:20:48 -0400
List-post: <>
Thank you for suggestions how to dismantle an old 40m beam. Will try to do
it next week.

I am thinking of installing a 4 square for 80m. Either regular or K8UR
style with vertical dipoles attached to a tower. Wondering which controller
to use. There are at least 3 types. Regular Comtek. A type with
omnidirectional setting (DXE).Or 8 directions but not omni (
Comtek seems to be the simplest and least expensive. Is the omni setting
useful in contesting? Do 4 extra directions help? Those directions have
lower gain.

Ignacy, NO9E

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