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[TowerTalk] Conduit Tails (good pun)

Subject: [TowerTalk] Conduit Tails (good pun)
From: Wilson Lamb <>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 12:27:30 -0400 (EDT)
List-post: <>
Rather than offensive music, play the pileup calling a rare DX location.
Be sure to catch the superstation lids who are so proud of their calls they 
think they should call five times, 
  hoping to outlast everyone else but actually covering up the DX trying to 
respond to another caller.
Sometimes they can't even hear the DX, but think they should make things worse 
for the rest of us, with their DQRM.
I've given up on DX I'd like to have simply because of blood pressure rise and 
better things to do.
We really need a way to deal with these people.
We also need for DX to organize call by number, state, prefix, or SOMETHING 
other than the free for all method.
Many could do 1.5-2 times more QSOs, if we could have decent operating 
I's a shame that DXing has become a contact sport!

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