The Delhi tower here in Canada is similar (X braces farther apart so not
quite as rigid) and while they aren't the greatest tower to climb, the best
way is to climb on a corner so your feet have a reasonably narrow but flat
surface that is angled towards you.
I've been on many at the top with another person, and with tools etc our
combined weight had to be 500 lbs or more. I'm not always comfortable
climbing but this is well within my pucker factor. But add those top 2
smaller sections and it's now outside my comfort zone, altho I have seen it
done many times.
73 Don
On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 3:01 AM, Kelley Shaddrick <>wrote:
> There have been lots of postings in the Rohn HDBX tower asking about
> concrete requirements, windloads, and so on. I'm wondering, Does anyone
> have
> any idea how large a person can climd one of these towers? Can a 300 pound
> person climb one of these towers safely? A 250 pound person? Is there any
> data on this?
> Thanks,
> Kelley - W0RK
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