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Re: [TowerTalk] Ham M rotor freezing to accessory shelf

To: "'Paul Kelley N1BUG'" <>, "'towertalk reflector'" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Ham M rotor freezing to accessory shelf
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 11:57:15 -0500
List-post: <">>
> 1.) Why is this happening to the Ham M and not the Ham IV? Is there 
> a physical difference in these two rotors that explains it? (I am 
> currently unable to climb to inspect this -- a temporary situation, 
> hopefully)

Probably something as simple as difference in paint ... ice will 
adhere to some paints and not to others. 

> 2.) How can I stop this from happening? Is it advisable to put 
> spacers between the Ham M rotor base and the rotor shelf to provide 
> more clearance for the rotating portion of the rotor?

Yes, I believe Hy-Gain even supplied suitable washers at some times 
in their history.  Any of the "clearance kits" that provide a way 
for the cable (and connector for the newer rotors) to exit above 
the rotor shelf will work. 

> 3.) I don't recall ever hearing anyone mention a similar issue. 

I had it periodically with all of the Hy-Gain rotors (HAM-M, 
HAM-II, HAM-III, HAM-IV, T2X) when I was in Ohio.  It was only 
a matter of enough water around the base of the rotor when the 
temperature fell below freezing.  A 1/4" thick washer between 
the rotor and shelf on each bolt should eliminate the problems. 


   ... Joe, W4TV 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Paul 
> Kelley N1BUG
> Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 9:03 AM
> To: towertalk reflector
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Ham M rotor freezing to accessory shelf
> OK, I know this has got to be a dumb question, but here goes.
> Most of my ham career I never used real antenna rotators. I used 
> homebrew contraptions or the like. Now I have an 80 foot tower with 
> a rebuilt and "upgraded" Ham M rotor (yes I'm aware of the 
> controversy regarding the "upgrade" in question) and a 100 foot 
> tower with a Ham IV.
> The Ham IV works fine in all seasons and weather conditions, never a 
> problem. The Ham M, however, is useless much of the winter. Snow 
> melts off antennas above, water drips down and forms a thin layer of 
> ice on the rotor shelf. The ice is just thick enough to seize the 
> lower rotating part of the bell housing so the rotor can't turn. I 
> have climbed up there several times (in past winters) to verify that 
> is the problem. If I chip away or melt the ice all is well until the 
> next thaw/freeze or rain/freeze event.
> I have a few questions about this.
> 1.) Why is this happening to the Ham M and not the Ham IV? Is there 
> a physical difference in these two rotors that explains it? (I am 
> currently unable to climb to inspect this -- a temporary situation, 
> hopefully)
> 2.) How can I stop this from happening? Is it advisable to put 
> spacers between the Ham M rotor base and the rotor shelf to provide 
> more clearance for the rotating portion of the rotor? If so, any 
> recommendations or potential pitfalls to avoid? Are there other 
> possible solutions for this problem?
> 3.) I don't recall ever hearing anyone mention a similar issue. 
> Maybe I just wasn't paying attention, but, could there be something 
> wrong with my "upgraded" Ham M that is causing this? I can't see how 
> it could be assembled wrong and still work fine, aside from the 
> icing, but...?
> Thanks in advance for any education and/or suggestions in this 
> matter! In the previous couple of winters it was up there, this was 
> a minor annoyance. If it was frozen and I wanted to turn it, I just 
> climbed up and removed the ice. Now that I can't do that, it's 
> driving me crazy! (er... more crazy? ;-)
> 73,
> Paul N1BUG
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