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[TowerTalk] Western Electronics Limited Westower

To: "'Ian White GM3SEK'" <>, <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Western Electronics Limited Westower
From: "Doug Turnbull" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 19:42:07 -0000
List-post: <">>
 Dear Mike/aj9c,
     Western Electronics sold towers of their own English manufacture under
the name Westower.   These towers claimed to have higher ratings than
Versatower another tower of UK manufacture.   They are all to the best of my
knowledge crank up tilt over towers.   I have owned two Westowers for up to
thirty one years.   One is a sixty footer three section tower and the second
is capable of close to 116 feet and is also a three section tower.   I have
never had a problem with either tower.

     If you do a search Westower using Google you should find the
specifications on the web as well as an article on how to renovate a
Westower written by GM8GAX.   I believe there is a link to this article from   

      If you can not find the specifications or manual then drop me a
separate e-mail as I still have most of my original documentation.   If the
tower is in good condition then you have a well made tower.  Good luck.

                   73 Doug EI2CN  


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