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[TowerTalk] FWD: RE: cleaning aluminum beam elements

Subject: [TowerTalk] FWD: RE: cleaning aluminum beam elements
From: "Doug Westacott" <>
Date: 16 Feb 2008 13:41:34 -0800
List-post: <">>

>------- Original Message Follows -------
>To: "Artmouton"<>
>Subject: RE: [TowerTalk] cleaning aluminum beam elements
>Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 13:40:17
>save yourself some labour, time and effort.... and achieve a better result..
>I use an elecric drill fitted with a drum like brush attachment used to strip 
>I forget the actual model...but they are virtually all the same....check the 
>hardware stores...
>I set the drill up in a bench vise...and run the element on the brush....
>this method restores the al to a mint finish..  You will spend hours with any 
>manual method to achieve the same results as this metod does in about 3 
>Same idea as trying to hand mix 4 yuards of concrete vice renting a cement 
>>------- Original Message Follows -------
>>From: "Artmouton" <>
>>To: <>
>>Subject: [TowerTalk] cleaning aluminum beam elements
>>Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 11:11:14 -0600
>>I am putting up a used Cushcraft A3S (with 4- meter kit) that was up for a 
>>few years (local conditions in S. Louisiana with salt air and usual crud) do 
>>that it has the usual tarnish, dirt, etc on the elements.
>>Local suggested cleaning it with steel wool and soap and water.
>>I intend to break each section down, clean it, open the traps, replace any 
>>bad end caps, remeasure and re-construct.
>>Just wondering if there were any other suggestion from the group?
>>Art K5FNQ
>>TowerTalk mailing list


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