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Re: [TowerTalk] galvanize v. paint

To: "KD5SFA" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] galvanize v. paint
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 16:35:07 -0400
List-post: <>

> My guy posts were painted.  I surface prepped them with a
> angle grinder followed by a primer coat of rust-oleum and
> then two coats of a finish (also rust-oleum).  These are
> 10' 4" pipe set into concrete about 3'.  They support a

IIRC mine are 16' of 6" set through about 17,000# of concrete. The base has 
two 12 to 16" pieces of rerod welded across the base with two more at riht 
angles. This sets in 6 to 8" of crushed rock under the concrete.

> 59' tilt over tower.  The white paint makes them stand out more
> to help prevent the "ooops there's a post there" incidents.

I don't worry about those big posts, but I have bright yellow hose slipped 
over the lower guys for visibility.

Roger (K8RI - EN73)
> 73,
> Jon
> -----Original Message-----
>>From: Arthur Trampler <>
>>Sent: Jul 30, 2007 12:43 PM
>>To: T talk <>
>>Subject: [TowerTalk] galvanize v. paint
>>The good news: the XYL has gotten past her revulsion of guy-wires, even on 
>>our small lot with too many trees in the wrong place.
>>The bad news: she wants the guy wires elevated so our 14 year-old will not 
>>decapitate himself before he begins thinking again in the next two or 
>>three years.
>>Tower: simple Glen Martin 50' tower, 18" face, with Hazer.  Single guy at 
>>top of tower.
>>Antenna load: small tri-band yagi, 6.5 square feet.
>>Supports: 4" flange x 4" deep steel I-beam, 3' in concrete, 7' above.
>>In short, the beams are about $65 each, and galvanizing adds another $60 
>>each, pluse $150 shipping for all three.
>>I also have a custom-made, two-piece folding mount for my AV640 vertical I 
>>would have galvanized at the same time.  That 20' structure weighs closer 
>>to 300lbs.
>>So galvanizing all these will add about $500 to the project.  Have any of 
>>you had your items galvanized, or do you think it's a waste of money and 
>>painting is "just" as good.
>>Art, KC2G
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