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Re: [TowerTalk] "Cables in the woods" or burial

To: "Brian Moran" <>, <>,"Jim Lux" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] "Cables in the woods" or burial
From: "K8RI on Tower talk" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2006 12:58:50 -0500
List-post: <>
> At 07:31 AM 3/20/2006, Brian Moran wrote:
>>I need some recommendations as to how to run the cables from my tower....
>>I have fsj4-50b to run, some surplus CATV stuff that's about an inch
>>thick, rotator and antenna control, a cat-5 cable for some antenna
>>switches, and a backup nylon pull cord or two.
>>   I also will be running a 20 amp 120v circuit out there.
> <snip>
> Do you have any electrical code issues? (like, do you have to meet
> code?)  If you do, that will substantially affect the alternatives.  For
> instance, you normally can't run 120V power and low voltage signals (i.e.
> rotator,coax) in the same conduit.

Were it me (and it's not) I'd want to run any power cables in a seperate 
conduit any way.

> I think the moisture issues can be dealt with (it's not like other people
> in rainy climates don't run conduit undergrond)
I currently use heavy wall 4" PVC for the coax, rotator cables, and remote 
switch controls.  In the past I've used 5" plasitc drain pipe with a thin 
wall.  I put a low spot with a "Y" capped off and small drain holes in the 
cap.  That has always taken care of any moisture.  I use a large hoffman box 
out at the tower and have filled the end of the conduit leaving the box with 
the soft, expandable building foam. Leaving the end open into the box allows 
the conduit to breathe, but the seal where the conduit leaves the box keeps 
the "critters" out.
I've since neatened up the cable routing at the bottom of the tower.

Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2
> Jim
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