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RE: [TowerTalk] insurance and towers

To: <>
Subject: RE: [TowerTalk] insurance and towers
From: "Rex Lint" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 09:45:28 -0500
List-post: <>

I had a claim a few years back, and the feedline served as the "attachement"
making the tower "covered."


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Alan NV8A (ex.
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 8:56 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] insurance and towers

Obviously it varies from company to company. Could it vary from state to
state, since insurance is often (always?) regulated by the state?

I asked about insurance for my tower, and the agent said that, as long
as it's attached (and the attachment could be purely nominal) to the
house, it's covered as an accessory structure. This is Citizens
Insurance; I'm in Michigan.

Alan NV8A

On 12/29/04 03:34 am Jim Jarvis tossed the following ingredients into
the ever-growing pot of cybersoup:

> In the course of commenting on tower ratings, I realized that
> I hadn't seen a post on insurance.  Or if I had, I've forgotten.
> In the US, in the post-9/11 environment, the insurance industry
> has become highly risk averse.  They had under-priced homeowners
> insurance in many areas of the country, as a loss-leader for more
> profitable lines, like life and auto.  (and the payout on the NY towers
> was shared across the entire industry.)
> In addition, there is now a firm called "CLUE", or Comprehensive
> Loss Underwriters Exchange, which provides a loss history which
> all carriers can see.
> As a result, you need to be VERY careful with what you claim.
> Or even inquire about.
> In 2002, in the backwash of hurricane Lili, I lost a 100' tower
> and antenna system when a 90' oak fell across a guyset.  In the
> same storm,  I had a branch break off a 150' tall white pine, and
> damage my roof.  The insurance company logged that as two claims.
> Earlier that year,  we had two events with large trees downed, touching
> the house.  I called the insurance carrier to verify coverage in one.
> My wife called in the other, as I was away.   They logged them as
> claims, with no payout.
> Now, I am having difficulty getting homeowners insurance on my place in
> even though I am not in the deep woods any longer.  I'm paying double the
> market
> rate, with a carrier which is in state receivership. I will continue
> in that situation for a period of 3 years.
> And THAT was after 30 years with the same carrier having home, car, boat,
> $1M liability umbrella, and life insurance, and no real claims history.
> Short form:  It may be worthwhile to examine specific tower insurance,
> through the ARRL program.  Some homeowners policies are excluding towers
> and other accessory structures, as well, so you have to check.


See:  for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless
Weather Stations", and lot's more.  Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9041 with any
questions and ask for Sherman, W2FLA.

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See:  for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless Weather 
Stations", and lot's more.  Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9041 with any questions 
and ask for Sherman, W2FLA.

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