I have a question about choices on 160 meters.
I expect to have a new home at Lake Havasu City next summer.
I will have a 60/70 foot fixed tower topped by a couple of OptiBeams
(16-4 and a 4-40).
About 100 feet away, I expect to have a 30/35 foot flag pole.
What is my best way to get on 160 with this arrangement? A couple
of ideas come to mind.
1) Shunt feed the tower
2) Use a wire between the top of the tower and the top of the
flagpole to use as top loading for vertical wire in the center
of it.
3) Extend an arm out from the top of the tower, say around 6-8
feet and drop some kind of vertical element to be base-fed.
Advice is needed; please donĂ¢t say I am nuts.
Warren; W5KKW
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