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Re: [TowerTalk] RFI resolution

To: "TowerTalk Discussion Group (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] RFI resolution
From: Jim Smith <>
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 01:41:59 -0700
List-post: <>
Hi David

1. Post your question to

2. Recognize that you are dealing with a woman with a princess complex who will never be satisfied no matter what you do.

3. Document all dealings with her immediately after they have happened.

4. Once you have accumulated an appropriately favourable pile of documentation give her the two words involving sex and travel. (7 letters and one space. Oddly, the initial letters are the same as my call suffix)

5. Whenever she phones to complain repeat the sex and travel offer, hang up, then take the phone off the hook.

Well, maybe I have some issues involving women. Particularly the one who lived next door for a while who, mercifully, had the house sold out from underneath her.

Good luck de Jim Smith VE7FO

David Cook wrote:

This may be a bit off topic for the TT group, my apologies if so. Please let
me know where the most appropriate forum for this question would be.

I've got a problem with RFI'ing one of my neighbors. Everyone else in my
neighborhood has been very cooperative and I've been able to resolve the
problems with all them. But one neighbor has a bad RFI problem when I point
my beam to Australia, which is directly towards her house. I've asked her to
give me a call when it would be convenient to do some testing to try to
determine the problem, but she won't call me back. It's only when I do a
test CQ when the band is in that she immediately calls me and starts
complaining about the RFI on her sub-woofer.

I suspect that I can solve the problem easily with filtering or simple
toroids on the sub-woofer cables, but she a) doesn't want me to come in her
house and mess with her gear, and b) won't even call me back to talk about
it when we might have time during the day to work out our problems.

Has anyone had any difficulties in dealing with this kind of a situation?
What should I do?

Thanks for any advice, and 73,
-- Dave, WAƘTTN


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