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[TowerTalk] Re:(Tower Talk) Radials for Tower

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Re:(Tower Talk) Radials for Tower
From: Bob Wood" < (Bob Wood)
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 12:29:46 -0400
I have just (successfully) put up my first tower. Rohn 25 up 52' with X-7 at
54' and A3WS at 60'.  I also am going to have half-slopers for 40m and 80m.
My questions have to do with radials, not for lightning protection, but to
enhance the slopers performance, lower swr etc.  The reasons for questions
here is that all the reference work, ARRL Antenna book, Handbook, ON4UN's
Low-band DXing and others have conflicting and ?incomplete? information.  I
have 3 questions and respond directly if you wish.

1. Does it make a difference if bare or insulated wire is used?
2. What about length? 1/4 wavelength or is length not that critical?
3. Number of radials, without going crazy burying wire.

The ARRL antenna book has a table on page 3-3 that indicates you need a
minimum of 16 radials of .1 wavelength.

Any thoughts or ideas? I hope that these questions aren't too basic or dumb.

Bob - N2KX

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