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[TowerTalk] Chromoly(4130)

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Chromoly(4130)
From: (Jay Terleski)
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 20:29:08 -0500
Last year I bought two 2 inch masts from a local supplier, they were
around 200 dollars each, actually less but I think I got a very good
deal.  These were 4130 but also heat treated.  I wanted 24 feet and both
came in 23 feet 10 or 11 inches.  I asked what happened to the other
inch and they told me "we cut the inch or two off to proof test them" as
he handed me the certificates for the metal which showed 116K psi or so.

I don't know if this is common or not, but I was suprised.  I also
needed a tandem two wheeled trailer to haul them off.  I think they were
.375 inch wall.

The supplier was Tube Sales, they have wherehouses all over.  I think
they shipped mine in from Houston.  BTW they didn't charge me any
shipping.  They just called me when they came into the local wharehouse.

I thought it was a cool deal.  

Jay, WX0B wrote:
> In a message dated 97-04-16 03:33:00 EDT, (Steve)
> writes:
> > After calling a dozen tubing companies in LA, I found a place that has 500
> > foot of
> >  chromoly 2" O.D. .250 wall, ranging from 17-24 foot. My question is they
> all
> > said there
> >  material is 4130 grade, is this standard? Cant seem to find any other
> grade..
>     While there are many carbon steel mast types, most steel suppliers only
> seem to stock 1026 or 1027 and 4130.  Special ordering other varieties may
> not be cost effective.
>     Chunks of steel tubing come in "20 foot randoms"; that is they can be any
> length from 17 to 24 feet as you've mentioned.  The trick is to order a
> minimum length, say 20 feet.  I just ordered three 2 inch OD 4130 masts and
> they came in 24 foot lengths.  Also ordered a 3 inch OD 4130 and it was 24
> feet 6 inches - a big hunka steel to say the least.
>        You can also check the pedigree from your supplier.  The masts I
> ordered were classified as MIL-T-6736 - A/B Cond. N.  and it has a yield
> strength of 70,000 psi.  I don't have all the specs on the MIL designation
> but will report back when I get some additional info.  Can any TowerTalkians
> elaborate on this?
> 73,  Steve K7LXC
> --
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 |                     |  Jay Terleski                                 |
 |         /\          |  Director Sales, Central Region               |
 |      /\/  \         |                                               |
 |  /\ /  \   \        |  Summit Design, Inc.      Phn:(972) 203 2008  |
 | /  \    \   \       |  350 Gloria Rd.           FAX:(972) 203 8811  |
 | SUMMIT DESIGN-TSSI  |  Sunnyvale, TX 75182   |

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