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Re: Topband: End of Season, Spring Cleaning

To: David Raymond <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: End of Season, Spring Cleaning
From: David Olean <>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2024 13:27:14 -0400
List-post: <>
Hello Dave,

Well, I picked a good year to have my woods logged! I had to remove all of my beverage wires, so was off the air way back in early December. The woods have been logged, but it is a mess and needs some grading before I can start re assembling my 160 system.  The ground never froze very deep, so the skidder left some pretty mean ruts over 2 ft deep and lots of churned up mud. At 79+ years I am hopeful that I can re assemble things before I give up the ghost.  The loggers made mince meat of my feedlines, so I have to run all new cables. I had some of them in PVC to prevent animals from chewing them and that was ripped up too. (and I thought 160 would be easy!!)


Dave K1WHS

On 5/10/2024 12:00 AM, David Raymond wrote:
Greetings Topbanders. . .

Here at the conclusion of the topband season I have to say it was right up there with the worst season I've experienced in my three plus decades on Topband.  Propagation to both Europe and Asia was virtually non-existent many days.  The only saving grace (at least here in the Midwest/Iowa) was some decent propagation with our faithful VK friends who hung in there providing us in NA with QSOs during their summer/QRN months of the calendar.  Lastly, doing some spring cleaning today I realized I have a spare DXEngineering 160m four square relay/phasing box tested and returned from DXE still in the sealed shipping box I'd like to part with.  If interested please contact me off line.

Hope to see many of you at the Topband Dinner next week.

73. . . Dave, W0FLS

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