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Topband: Fwd: Re: Belize-VK/ZL possibilities

To: Topband Reflector <>, Tree <>
Subject: Topband: Fwd: Re: Belize-VK/ZL possibilities
From: Greg - ZL3IX <>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2018 17:45:34 +1300
List-post: <>
Having noted that my answer to Iain's post has not appeared on the Reflector, I am trying again.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Re: Topband: Belize-VK/ZL possibilities
Date:   Sun, 4 Feb 2018 10:58:31 +1300
From:   Greg - ZL3IX <>

Hi Iain,

I worked V31YN in Jan 2007. Is that QSO one of the two in Clublog?

No, I don't think it is a tricky path at all, being almost entirely over
the Pacific Ocean. Your problem will not be Tx, with an antenna over sea
water, but, unless you make a special effort with Rx, you may have a
problem hearing in a noisy tropical country like V3.

73, Greg, ZL3IX

On 2018-02-03 09:43 a.m., iain haywood wrote:

I'm off to Belize again for the commonwealth contest in March but after the event I plan to make use of the pier over seawater for top band and some 60M.
An inverted-L over seawater is planned.

On checking clublog it says there have been only TWO QSO's ever between VK/ZL and V31 on 160M.
Is this a tricky path ? I assume its because of high thunderstorm 
noise in the tropics.
What do think of my chances with 100W and CW & some FT8 (shock--horror!)

Iain G4SGX

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