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Re: Topband: K5P signal strength

Subject: Re: Topband: K5P signal strength
From: K4SAV <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2016 09:13:22 -0600
List-post: <">>
K5P had a big signal around 0900Z this morning. We had thunderstorms and the bands were very noisy but he came in over the top of that. He faded a little later on but still good copy. I worked him at 0800Z up 1 with no pile to bust. The piles have been large close to sunrise but at 2AM local time it was first call, no waiting. He was listening UP during the very early morning hours but a little later switched to listening DOWN.
The first day his signal was weak but very persistent.  Copy was OK even 
though he was weak, and I could copy him up to 1 hour after sunrise.  
That's very unusual here.  The piles were huge as you know.
The first day he was on 1826.5 listening UP and working mostly NA but he 
also worked a bunch of JAs.  I was wondering how he did that but now 
maybe I have a clue.
Jerry, K4SAV

On 1/15/2016 8:11 AM, Les Kalmus wrote:
Apparently, they had problems tuning the Battle Creek Special and were using a SteppIR vertical the first day.
That's been fixed and was what they were using today.

It's bad enough they were working JA's during this morning's opening but I heard them call EU too and was shaking my head.
Les W2LK

On 1/15/2016 7:23 AM, Tim Shoppa wrote:
Heard very well here in MD from 1120Z-1220Z on my west-facing pennant, deep fade at my sunrise to ESP. Working mostly JA's but trying for NA. (Although
at least once K5P called for EU!)

Tim N3QE

On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 5:48 AM, Carl Braun <>

At 1040z here in so cal the K5P station went from NIL to 599 on Topband.
Maybe someone found the ON button for the amp?

Carl AG6X
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