> DX clusters could also be a factor: i.e. fewer stations
> are scanning the band. Rather, they rely on cluster
> postings. Often, I call CQ for many minutes with no
> response, but once I am spotted, activity perks up
> quickly. Also, with fewer stations scanning the band,
> there is an increased likelyhood of short openings being
> missed. What will happen when everybody will be waiting
> for somebody else's posting to get on the air?
> George, AA7JV
On the other hand, if Skimmer spots are fed into the clusters (as they almost
surely already are and will be) a few CQ's should get the calling station
noticed worldwide in less than a minute. Of course, that kinda takes a bunch
of the fun out of pulling a needle out of the haystack of noise before anybody
else. It's a bit of a commentary on the hybridization of wireless, signal
processing, and the global network.
73, Ward N0AX
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