Hi reflectees !
George`s words are rite after my taste. All of us have experienced Dxpeds
that simply blew the job on 160. Mostly explainable by their thirst to bring
home as many QSOs as possible for the money and time they put into the
enterprise. There is a visible hunt for record numbers of Qs between
Dxpeditionaires of great reputation. Understandable that under these
circumstances any activity on 160 means losing counts. Especially if a DXped
tries to work the very long distances on low bands, which inevitably means a
low QSO rate, but on the other hand shows a great deal of skill and power of
will on the side of the DX operator. If all DXpeds would try to find a
better mix between the sheer hunt for high Q-rates and the more
demanding,successful operation on the low bands, we definitely would gain
more quality and maybe satisfaction in ham-radio.
My two pence worth. de wolf df2py
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