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RE: Topband: Amazing!

To: <>
Subject: RE: Topband: Amazing!
From: "Ragnar Otterstad" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 12:44:28 +0100
List-post: <>

First time on THE band for some years!  I brought the FT920 up to the
2nd (Welsh mountain) QTH for a couple of weeks.   I've never heard 160
like this - most G-stations, even relatively near, were down at 579
while OY and 4X and A4 were stronger than that.   JAs were audible.
And not a W to be heard.

4X4WN was like a local here, calling CQ DX Asia  - his own continent !!  hi
Also YI9ZF was 599 on the meter of my FT-1K-mk V !

Very promising if it will stay that way for a while.


" RAG "  Ragnar Otterstad   LA5HE JW5HE OZ8RO

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