Hello Topbanders!
I have yet to even HEAR VK9ML on 160 meters at my
QTH. I put up a temporary 300' long Beverage that is
pointed at roughly 273 degrees (the beam heading for
VK9/M from my QTH) in an effort to be able to copy this
station. I live on a 2-1/2 acre lot and that limited how long
my antenna could be. So far, I have not yet heard VK9ML
on the 300' Beverage or on my 160 meter delta loop.
I do not need Mellish Reef on any other band so I have
not bothered to listen for them on any band, other than
160 meters. I am currently at 172 worked and 167 con-
firmed on Topband.
Good luck & good DX to all.
73 de Brad, N9EN @ Radio Free Roscoe (IL)...