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[TenTec] Antenna Tuner plus misc parts FS

To: TenTec List at contesting <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Antenna Tuner plus misc parts FS
From: "Ken, W8EK" <kenw8ek@gmail.com>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2016 17:24:38 -0400
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>

TenTec Antenna Tuner, Wall Wart, Cables, and other
miscellaneous accessories For Sale:

TenTec 229 B HF antenna tuner:

This roller inductor tuner will handle full legal power.
It uses an "L" match instead of a "T" match, which means
there is only one spot that will give the correct match.
The "L" match is also more efficient. Electrically, it is the
same as both the 229 series and 238 series.

There is also a built in wattmeter with full scale reading
of 200 and 2000 watts. It also has an SWR bridge with
lighted meter, plus a 4 position antenna switch.

It can be used on any HF frequency, including the WARC
bands, as it is continuously adjustable. It has a built in
internal balun, so open wire can be used.

Cosmetically, this unit is the color of the Corsair I with
a sort of very dark chocolate brown (almost black)
color, although it certainly can be used with any HF rig
or legal limit amplifier.

This unit has had the problematic dial and elastic cord
changed to a turns counter for better reliability.

This particular unit functions 100%, and looks great.
I can not find a scratch on it. Paper work is included
for $300.

TenTec Model 48-15-800 D "Wall Wart":

This wall wart is the "regular" linear type, and not the
switching type that creates electrical noise.  It is rated
at 15 V DC at 800 ma, and is used on a variety of TenTec

It works fine and looks like new.  $15

Cable for Hercules 444 Amplifier

This cable is used to connect the Hercules (Original 444) to
its power supply.  Heavy duty cable, with heavy Molex type
connectors on each end.  Nice condition.  $25

VOX board for TenTec 262 Power supply
Ready to plug in to replace your defective board.

TenTec 715-I cable
This cable is made to plug into the TenTec 715 RF Speech Processor
on one end, and an Icom transceiver at the other end.  This is
the round 8 pin mic connector used on Icom rigs such as the IC-735,
756 series, and many others.  It is NOT for the type that takes the
modular plug.
This one works fine and looks like new.  $18

TenTec 720 adapter
Adapts an Icom microphone with the round 8 pin connector to a rig
requiring the TenTec / Yaesu round 8 pin connector.  Like new. $15

Cables for CW keyers and keys:

Cable for paddles
About 3 feet long, and with a 1/8 inch (3.5 mm) stereo
connector on the end, like used by most rigs. $8
As above, but 1/4 inch plug. $8

Cable for straight key
About 3 feet long, with a mono 1/8 inch (3.5 mm) phone
plug on it, as used with a straight key. $5
As above, but 1/4 inch plug. $5

I also have many other accessories available such as many
different types of microphones, HTs, VHF and UHF rigs,
antennas, etc. Just too many things to list here.
Please e-mail your requests.

Prices do not include shipping from Florida.



Ken, W8EK

Ken Simpson
E-mail to W8EK@FLHam.net or W8EK@arrl.net
Voice Phone  (352) 732-8400

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