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[TenTec] T-kit #1252 experiences??

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] T-kit #1252 experiences??
From: Bill_Ames@hyperion.com (Bill_Ames@hyperion.com)
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 14:48:01 -0400
Does anyone make a receiver that hears and translates audio frequencies
above 20khz into the audio spectrum?

Bill Ames

"Simmons, Reid W" <reid.w.simmons@intel.com>@contesting.com on 04/09/2001
02:34:54 PM

Sent by:  owner-tentec@contesting.com

To:   "'David McClafferty'" <at060@chebucto.ns.ca>, Fonte
cc:   Ten Tec <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject:  RE: [TenTec] T-kit #1252 experiences??


No you didn't waste time in HS Physics class.

Included in the 1252 kit are additional parts for conducting experiments.
One such part is a Germanium (I think) diode for just such an experiment.

Reid, K7YX

-----Original Message-----
From: David McClafferty [mailto:at060@chebucto.ns.ca]
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 12:58 PM
To: Fonte
Cc: Ten Tec
Subject: Re: [TenTec] T-kit #1252 experiences??

Audio is audio and RF is RF. They share a range of frequencies, but the
velocities are different. An audio amp will amplify RF yes, but without a
detector (demodulator) you wouldn't hear anything except perhaps a hiss,
or did I waste a lot of time in High School physics?
73, Dave, VE1ADH

On Sat, 7 Apr 2001, Fonte wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> I can't believe that I nearly overlooked this Ten Tec "find"!  I have
> been looking for a supplier of a Natural Radio "receiver" for some time
> now.
> >From what I read on the Ten Tec WebSite, this T-kit #1252 is a High
> Sensitivity Audio Amp Kit --- that apparently can be used to 'listen' to
> ELF-VLF RF frequencies (say 300Hz to 11kHz) at an audio rate.
> Natural Radio phenomena that has been explored extensively by Stephen
> McGreevy (used to be N6??? as I understand), but until I saw this kit, I
> didn't think that anyone was producing any "receivers" as such.
> Does anybody on the list share this interest??  Would love to hear from
> you!
> K9FI@arrl.net
> 73!
> Jim, K9FI
> La Porte, IN
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