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[SECC] K4BAI Claimed Score 2016 Russian DX Contest

Subject: [SECC] K4BAI Claimed Score 2016 Russian DX Contest
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2016 09:29:41 -0400
Russian DX Contest

Call: K4BAI
Operator(s): K4BAI
Station: K4BAI

Class: SO Mixed HP
Operating Time (hrs): 19:20

  Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Countries  Oblasts
   160:   13      0        6         ?
    80:   87      3       31         ?
    40:  179     24       48         ?
    20:  310     63       70         ?
    15:   34      9       25         ?
    10:    4      3        3         ?
Total:  627    102      183        40  Total Score = 741,698

Club: South East Contest Club


FT1000MP, Alpha 78, 1 KW, TH6DXX, dipole, zepp, inverted vee, tee vertical,
N1MM+.  New to using N1MM+ at home.  Can't figure out how to get a band
breakdown for oblast mults and got the total oblast mult only by dividing final
score by total points.  High bands were poor.  20 was dead during most of the
night except for R3DT who always seemed to be readable.  Low bands were fair.
High QRN around dusk gave way to low noise later.  Good activity on CW.  Thanks
for all QSOs.  Look for the annual Georgia QSO Party April 9-10.  73, John,

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