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[SECC] Participation in IARU

Subject: [SECC] Participation in IARU
From: w4svo at (Mark Luhrman)
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2010 19:06:43 -0700 (PDT)
I just want to wish VE7ZO and VE3EJ the best of luck. Jim is a great operator. 
I have had the pleasure of operating with him from NQ4I, over the past 5 years. 
I hope that all the members of the SECC participate in this contest. I will be 
doing HP Phone only. This will be my second effort from way down south, ex. 
(W4PZV's) QTH. I have much better antennas then last year. It is hard to 
believe that it is almost one year ago that my dad past away. I have rebuilt 
the entire station in the last year. Good luck to everyone and lets make a real 
strong showing in a few weeks. Mark ?W4SVO

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