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[SECC] N1MM & The Merry Go Round

Subject: [SECC] N1MM & The Merry Go Round
From: gregpotter at (Greg Potter)
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2010 19:02:18 -0400
Hi Folks,
After all that time using N3FJP software, I thought I would try the N1MM
program as everyone seemed to like it.  The N3FJP didnt have the ALQP so I
thought I would fire up N1MM real quick and see how it went.  I am still
trying to figure this out.  So far I can run the rig and send some CW and
log some contacts.  How I get the log out to a useful cabrillo file, I have
not figured out yet.  The contest will be over before I get this running
BTW  -  Unrelated info:  If you like some political humor, this link is
pretty funny.  I just can't resist passing it on. 



73 de Greg NM2L, Sugar Hill, GA  





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