Thanks Dave. It's been a lot of fun this past year getting back involved in
RTTY. I ran it 30 yrs ago with one of the "green monsters" but never
contested in that mode until this past year. K9MUG from Phoenix City, AL
has been a big influence and mentor in RTTY contesting from this station.
K4AQ, K9MUG, K9JS, K8UT, K4ZJ, WF4W, and NN4RR have all contributed as
operators in our multi efforts.
I hope we're ready for contest season this year as we've stripped all the
antennas off the tower and have new ones constructed to go up. As a matter
of fact, we'll be going up with the new 40 meter beam today. Awaiting the
release of the new Yaesu FT 2000s and will have a pair of those on the bench
this year. Anyone that has an interest in trying RTTY contesting are most
welcome in joining us.
Thanks and 73'......Fred WW4LL
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Thompson" <thompson at>
To: "SECC" <secc at>
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 1:56 AM
Subject: [SECC] Congratulations to WW4LL Top USa Score
> In the July CQ Magazine, WW4LL made the high USA score in Multi Op 2 TX in
> the 2005 CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest.
> Beat the USA runner up by 1.3 million points and was #5 World High.
> Good show!
> Dave K4JRB
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