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[SECC] GQP Final Factoid and Reminder

Subject: [SECC] GQP Final Factoid and Reminder
From: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 17:17:11 -0700 (PDT)
Yes, it is the last factoid...  Hold down your joy....
Here it is...  Which logging programs were submitted to GQP this year?
Answer is:

WriteLog            22

N3FJP                17

N1MM               16

NA                     13

TR                      10

Paper by Hand    10

Paper by PC         9

Cabrillo, unkn       5

GenLog                4

Paper from Log    2

Excel                    2

WinEQF              1

By CU2JT           1

CT                       1

LogConv             1

LogEQF              1

UcxLog               1

WT4I tools          1

NE4S Rover 2     1

Text File              1

Again, you may have to adjust for the above formatting...

Notice that some folks used a PC or Logger to make a file, then printed it, and 
mailed it...\

Hmmm... Oh well, we take them all.


There are over 13,000 QSO's in the dateabase for checking, scoring, and 

I will reverse generate log files for the paper log submissions from the big 
DB, and use them for checking.  We probably will hit 16,000 Q's.


Tonite I will pack the PC's for the trip to Colorado for the summer.  I will 
resume collections and DB work about the 12th.  


OH Yea...     The deadline is May 11th for GQP...  


Thanks to those many who have sent their logs in!!!



See you from Colorado next week +....

Mike, NE4S


Please use mrcne4s at as my address.
Be well, 
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