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[SECC] CQ160 CW K4VU Single Op LP

Subject: [SECC] CQ160 CW K4VU Single Op LP
From: k4vu at (Robin Gist)
Date: Sun Jan 25 19:32:39 2004
                    CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW

Call: K4VU
Operator(s): K4VU
Station: K4VU

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Alabama
Operating Time (hrs): 15

Total:  QSOs = 414  State/Prov = 51  Countries = 11  Total Score = 57,102

Club: South East Contest Club


just too much other stuff needed to get done for work, so this was just
going to
be a piddler.  well, piddling turned into a new 160m inverted vee project on
saturday, so piddling escalted to serious piddling.  around 4:00 a.m. on
morning, realized that i kinda forgot about the work i needed to finish.  oh
well, its only software.  :)

thanks for the qso's everyone, and for digging me out of the noise.


equip:  IC756, inverted vee @ 70 ft, N1MM Logger

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