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Subject: [SECC] Re: CQ WW VHF
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Mon Jul 21 10:24:50 2003
There was a great 6-meter opening for an hour or more before the CQWW
VHF contest started at 19Z Saturday.  It quickly went away and the rest
of Saturday was very spotty.  Apparently I caught just the last of a
good Sunday morning opening when I returned from church.  Later on, we
had a real good (and short skip) opening to Florida.  Toward the end,
the band opening minimally to the west.  I heard no DX (except VE3s)and
no double hop to the west coast.  Hope everyone with a 6M rig made a few

I did work KU8E and AF4OD/R locally.  Heard K4EA, W4GF, K4KJZ and heard
a station working K4WI.  Also, a local, W4OM, called me.  

This is the first time I have every heard the 6M band open during CQ WW
VHF.  I need to get my all mode rig for 2 meters up and running before
the next VHF contest.


John, K4BAI.
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