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[SECC] CQ 160 CW

Subject: [SECC] CQ 160 CW
From: k4bai at (John T. Laney, III)
Date: Sun Jan 26 23:02:57 2003
Hello all:

It's late and I can't take the time to give a complete report on CQ WW
as K4BAI from the new NQ4I QTH.  But, thanks to Rick and Georgeann.  I
was able to do better than we had hoped with just an inverted vee dipole
with the apex at 110 feet.

1168 QSOs 3155 points 55 US/VE mults 46 DX country mults = 318,655.

Bill more than doubled my score I think, but that was to be expected.

Thanks for all the QSOs and fun.  But, it sure was a lot of work the
last few hours with few QSOs.

I came home and used our local club call W4CVY during the last two
hours.  My conclusion is that it would have been better to save those
last two hours and the score would have been slightly increased.  But,
it was better to finish up the 30 hours and come home early, on balance,
for everything but the score.

Hope everyone has a good week.


John, K4BAI.

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