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[SECC] Re: GQP & Trivia results

Subject: [SECC] Re: GQP & Trivia results
From: (John Vickers)
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 20:41:38 -0400
W4NTI wrote:
I screamed in at 35 points and a massive 12 counties.   Think I did better
in my first Novice Roundup when I called CQ for three days straight and
worked 15 stations on the fourth.  Right after I hooked up the knife switch
I used for a antenna swithcher to the transmitter output.

Hey Dan --- I squeezed in just ahead of you OB ! 115 Qs 30Ms and a feeble
6900 pts. Knew I'd be part time but not to this degree. hi Well all is not
lost---- no one got the correct answer on the GQP trivia, so I guess
everyone owes me an RC and a Moonpie at the hamfest this yr. (ain't that the
way it works ?)

The most "Famous or Infamous" op to ever work the Ga QSO party has to have
been Ole Don Miller himself, W9WNV. He operated /4 from Lincoln Cty in the
early 60's and I had the chance to visit him at Clark Hill Lake. Worked him
on many of his DXpeds after that. Bet he wishes he could have been on this
weekend--- even with the lousy condx !!! :>)   (have the more recent opr's
ever heard of Don ?)

Now if I had asked who the most distinguished op was---- we have several
still active and I'd of had to buy the RC's for everybody. Tnx for the fun
es see ya'll next time.
73, John WA4TT

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