Had planned to give out a few QSOs between riding dirt bikes with my
son. We managed to get back on Saturday in time for the start of the
contest. I worked it fairly hard until (what I found out later) about 15
minutes before the flare hit. About 1.5 hours after it hit, I got back on
the air to hear nothing on any band. Wild. Then I called CQ on 20
meters. Took several trys before a DL answered my CQ. Worked a few more
guys for about 45 minutes and then bagged it for dinner with the
family. I had just a few minutes, later in the evening, to work 40 and 80
meters. I wish I had some more time, but with the Helsinki trip last
week, I didn't want to test my XYL's patience.
Today I got on just a little. Almost all on 20 meters. I did manage to
work K5YAA in Oklahoma at about 11:00am on both 40 and 80 meters. 15
minutes later W5WMU called in, and Pat and I worked on all bands except
160 meters in about 5 minutes time.
On Saturday I spent a lot of time moving people to other bands. 10 meters
was wide open up north, but there was nobody home. I would move someone
up there and after the QSO call CQ for a bit. Every so often I would work
someone, but mostly not. I did manage to bag quite a few states on 10
meters inspite of the low activity there.
I left the log on the computer up at the station. TRLog wasn't keeping
track of mults for me, so I only know QSOs.... which was about 300. All
on CW... of course.
Bill, W4AN