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[SECC] [Fwd: KC DX Club CW Pileup Contest]

Subject: [SECC] [Fwd: KC DX Club CW Pileup Contest]
From: (John Laney)
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 09:34:48 -0400
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Hi Contesters:  A number of you were in Dayton and took the CW pileup
copying tape.  I am forwarding a message from K0VBU indicating that the
entries are being rescored and he will post the really final results
soon.  Apparently the winner will still be Doug, W9WI, whose initially
posted score was 59.  Congrats to Doug who sat at my left elbow during
the session.  Guess he must have benefited by osmosis.  Or maybe I
benefited the same way.  73, John.

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Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 00:49:21 -0500
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Subject: KC DX Club CW Pileup Contest
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Hi John. I've been re-checking this year's entries in the KC DX Club
Dayton CW Pileup test. We had some enthusiastic and tireless helpers
this year, but there was a lack of experience in realtime logging, dupe
checking, reading other hams crappy penmanship, and all those things
many of us have learned the hard way over the years.
I'm happy to tell you that I increased your score to 56, which puts you
much farther up the list. So far, in 2nd place together with Fred K3ZO,
whose score also increased to 56. I'm sorry we weren't able to recognize
you immediately after the contest, and I hope this note is some
consolation. You haven't lost your touch! I look forward to seeing you
next year in Dayton.
By the way, I decided not to post the results until I have re-checked
all the entries. I hope to have that done in a week or so, and I'll put
it on the KC DX Club web page (
Hey, next year I'll be looking for experienced volunteers to help out
for a little in the entry-checking department. After you take the test,
maybe you would be interested. Its fun for an hour, and gets to be a
drag after a whole night.
I know you can read callsigns..I remember yours from the old CD party
days!   73 Bill K0VBU


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