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[SECC] WRTC nominations

Subject: [SECC] WRTC nominations
From: (John Laney)
Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 10:48:40 -0400
The list of interested and willing ops is available on
Biographies of each are posted there, but I think you have to have
authorization to access them and the intent is for each club to have
access.  I will download a list of the calls posted there before the
meeting.  Hopefully Jay or Gary can access the resumes for the club.  73,
John, K4BAI.

Gary Breed wrote:

> Before leaving town for more than a week, I wanted to stir things up
> a bit about WRTC nominations.  We all need to be thinking about our
> choices before a vote is called and we tabulate entries to send to
> OH-land by June 15.
> Although my research does not include every possible contest and
> category, here is a list of 4th district hams who are, in my opinion,
> at the top.  I limited the list to the states right around Georgia,
> because this is the area where the SECC knows the ops better than any
> other group.  Our nominees will certainly include ops from elsewhere in
> the "East" as defined by the WRTC2002 Committee, but I offer this list
> as a starting point for discussion.
> I could easily have missed someone deserving to be on this list, since
> I tried to do this quickly while scrambling to get ready for a major
> business trip!
> Proven winners, in alphabetical order, with comments:
> K4BAI - Always near the top when operating at a "real" station
> K4XS -  Super phone op in high-pressure SS and Sprint contests
> N2NL -  Recently reached top levels in both DX and domestic 'tests
> N4ZZ -  Consistent high scores on both modes with occasional wins
> W4AN -  Winning CQWW CW SOHP says enough
> W4PA -  A bunch of recent #1 finishes in different categories
> W4WA -  Great on both modes, lots of single-band and M/S wins
> W4ZV -  Record-breaking op on 160M CW, awesome performances on 10M SSB
> Real close to guys on the above list: K4AB, W4OC, K4NO, AA4NC, K4OJ,
> K1KY, WC4E and others.
> Does someone have a list of potential "East" nominees to consider from
> elsewhere in the 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9 districts?
> 73, I'll be back 5/29.
> Gary, K9AY
> --
> SECC on the Web:
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> Problems:       

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