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[SECC] 160 band plan comments

Subject: [SECC] 160 band plan comments
From: (Bill Coleman)
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 17:09:00 -0500
On 3/15/01 12:56, David Thompson at wrote:

>Any band plan for 160 BEFORE the band is a worldwide band (at least 1800 to
>1900 portion) will not work.  Much of the world is limited
>to 1830 to 1850 ....

Well, more like 1810-1850. Most nations with 160m allocations include 
this 40 kHz.

> trying to place CW and SSB segments will not and cannot
>work!  The FCC steers clear of setting more CW segments
>(or any band segments for that matter).

Well, it COULD work, but you'd have to draw the line about 1830 - lower 
is CW and digital, higher is SSB. 

But that doesn't leave much space for CW and digital modes.

>Outside of major contests 99.9% respect the CW portion below 1840 with 1840
>to 1850 being the SSB DX window much as the 3790 to 3799 window on 75 works.

Except that now there appears to be some conflict between CW weak signal 
operators and digital operators. PSK31 actually WORKS on 160m (whereas 45 
baud RTTY has too much multipath distortion).

>Since many DX stations cannot work outside 1830 to 1850 (and then look at
>the JA allocations) limiting SSB to above 1840 is not possible.  

Some weak signal CW operators are advocating exactly that. They reason 
that SSB DXers would be more successful if they operated split. 
Technically, they may be correct (easier to hear the weak DX if it isn't 
buried in stronger local SSB signals). But it certainly isn't convienient 
to work split. Ask any 40m SSB DXer.

>many DX stations answer W/VE CQs above 1850, but do so a the risk of getting
>a citation for out of band operation or even having their license revoked or
>suspended (This happened to a prominent PY1 a dozen years ago).
>I support band plans but suggest that the ARRL through the IARU try to get a
>world wide band on 160 first.

And while we're at it, let's do the same for 40m....

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail:
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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