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[SD-User] SD 16.03 - CQWWSB12

Subject: [SD-User] SD 16.03 - CQWWSB12
From: Ron <>
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 23:06:34 -0700
List-post: <">>
Hi Paul:

I just finished operating in the CQWW SSB contest in the low power single band (10 metres) category.

I used the SD Check program to create the various files after the contest. However I have been unable to find the actual cabrillo file i.e. CQWWSB12.LOG file in my computer. In the past I have used that file to submit my log by changing it to read VE7NS.LOG as appropriate for the particular contest log submission.

I should mention that the CQWWSB12.adi works perfectly when importing this contest log into my logging program. So I am not sure where I have made a mistake, Paul.

When you get a moment can you give me your thoughts on the matter.

73 de Ron

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