I was able to work VK0EK on 30 meters from Iowa last night thanks to my
TH-11. While it's not resonant on 30 meters, I've discovered that it makes a
good receive antenna on the band. By listening on the TH-11 and transmitting
on my HF2V with the 30 meter coil installed, I made a QSO that I could not
have made otherwise. The noise was too high to decode VK0EK while listening
on the vertical, but using a K-3 with the RTTY filter and preamp selected,
and with the RF gain turned down to the noise level of the TH-11 , I could
decode well enough to make the contact.
I thought I'd share my little secret so that others might be inspired to
turn their antenna switches to see what works for them.
Nelson Moyer, KU0A
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