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Re: [RTTY] RTTY Digest, Vol 159, Issue 65

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] RTTY Digest, Vol 159, Issue 65
From: Dave Barr <recordupe@verizon.net>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2016 12:56:24 -0400
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
With the below tongue-in-cheek posting as an ice-breaker, perhaps an answer to a small part of the QRL problem is to start calling CQ when a CQing SO2R occupier is off chasing a multiplier and has not responded to your call after significant repeats of 3 second separated CQs, a practice which costs S&P-ers much time. In other words, is CQing with no intention of responding a legitimate occupation of a QRG. Of course, QSYing is a much better course of action. Just asking.
Dave, K2YG

On 3/27/2016 4:00 PM, rtty-request@contesting.com wrote:
I believe sending a short QRL message is the courteous thing to do
before sending a longer CQ message.  There have been many times I've
waited 20 seconds on a "clear" frequency before sending QRL and had a
station come back on or near the frequency.

As far as how long to wait on a quiet frequency before sending QRL, I

10 seconds      If both stations on the freq are SO1R and conscious
20 seconds      If either station on the freq are SO2R (just in
30 seconds      If the station running on the freq is SO1R/SO2R
                  and is copying a station sending a brag tape
40 seconds      If the station running on the freq is SO1R/SO2R
                  and is trying to work a mult up the band
60 seconds      If the station running on the freq is filling their
                  emergency relief bottle
1 min 30 sec    It the station is rebooting their locked-up computer
2 minutes       If the station running on the freq is over 60 and
                  filling their emergency relief bottle
2 days          If the run station is involuntarily upgrading to
                  Windows 10

I'm leaving up to ED to make a chart for SO3R times.  ; )

Happy Easter!

John  W0DC
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