That was my point. Encouraging duplicate Q's while others wait for their first,
is out of place in my opinion at a rare entity...but high fiving has become the
way of life nowadays.
Reducing a leader board number is silly when the purpose of it, is to show who
made the most. How does that matter if they reduce that number. The QSO still
Making it difficult to get a new one by encouraging high contact totals, is
not sport for me. But they run it how they like...the heck with the new
guy...let him spend the money for the antennas and get with it.
Bill W2CQ
From: Tom Osborne <>
Sent: Sunday, February 2, 2014 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: [RTTY] FT5ZM RTTY is a zoo
> I don't know about defeating the purpose of a DXPedition but Leader
> Boards should certainly stop counting after one QSO per band and those
> making more than two QSOs per band should see their Leader Board score
> reduced in some way.
> 73,
> ... Joe, W4TV
You are right there, Joe.
What gets me is these guys that brag, "I worked them 27 times on 6 different
modes." Why!!!!!
Every time they make duplicate contacts, they cut someone else out of getting a
contact. Everyone doesn't have stacks and 1500 watts to try and work these
DX'peditions. After you work them on every band, chill and let someone else
work them. 73
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