Computers and software just make things too easy, for softies, almost not a
challenge any more. I propose a new contest for retro-only operations. They
have straight key night don't they?
Proposed Rules:
No TU equipment made prior to say 1980.
2X multiplier for tube based TU
Absolutely no personal computers anywhere for signal demod or logging.
Computer use OK if used only as a glass TTY, i.e. Decode Baudot levels from a
TU. No signal processing (as in MMTTY).
No sound card AFSK, pure FSK only
2X multiplier for use of mechanical TTY such as Model 28
3X for Model 15, additional multipliers for older machines
TD tape loop for CQs or just type fast.
Exchanges must include Name, location, contact #, signal report, and any
additional text, but must be a minimum of 120 characters. Make it like you're
actually exchanging useful info.
Submit printer output in place of logs as an option.
Jim N4BE
Sent from my iPad
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