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[RTTY] + …It is never too late...

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: [RTTY] + …It is never too late...
From: Jan Thøgersen <jan@thogersen.dk>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 21:18:41 +0200
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
I just received the following e-mail from K5YY, and thought I´d share it - 73 
de Jan, OZ1ADL

  THANK YOU for being my first RTTY QSO in all my 53 years of ham radio!   I 
have 375 countries DXCC but never an RTTY QSO til yesterday.  We worked on Oct 
16 @1854 on 20m RTTY and you were in the JARTS contest. I have no keyboard and 
my transmissions are only 4 choices programmed in my PRO III, and I did NOT 
give you my age because I do not have that in my 4 programs. hi  I did send you 
the 599  and a TU reply to your 599 and age report to me. hi
  So, excuse me for no age in my report to you and hope it did not mess up your 
contest QSOs for that 15 seconds! hi  Wud love to exchange QSLs for my FIRST 
San  K5YY   in Arkansas
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  • [RTTY] + …It is never too late..., Jan Thøgersen <=