Hi Tony
Also, if you are generating SSB with your computer sound card, is that SSB
or a digital mode? My mic goes right into the sounc card and the output of
the card goes to the radio. I can run an entire SSB contest and never touch
a mic, just punch the F-keys.
It can't be the setting on the radio or AFSK would be SSB, also--the funcion
is the same.
It's not because I can't understand what is being said in AFSK. If you
speak to me in Russian on SSB, I can't understand that either :-) 73
So tell me this is CW and RTTY still a DIGI mode if when i worked
them the word DIGI did not was not known ?
hi hi.. something to bring the brains out of the woodwork ...
73 Tony wa4jqs
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