For those that are interested, here is some addtitional information regarding
the arrangements for Tom Moore, WX4TM...
Funeral services will be Wednesday, November 17th, 11:00 AM ET at
Jeffcoat-Trant Funeral Home in Opelika, AL. If desired, you can leave comments
in the guest book at their web site,
Burial will be at Ft. Mitchell National VA Cemetery in Ft. Mitchell, AL at 2:00
PM ET, Wednesday, November 17th.
Tom was a 22-year Air Force veteran (MSgt), serving in Vietnam and held the
previous call signs of KL7JDH and KL7Q prior to his present call of WX4TM.
I'm sure the family appreciates all of the responses here, and I'll try to see
that his XYL, Mary, WX4MM, gets them at some point.
That's all for now.
73 de John, WB4GLJ
Columbus ARC
Columbus, GA
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