I, too, am looking forward to N2AMG's new N1MM code. At the suggestion
of someone, I tried AutoHotkey for the first time, and I have to say it
worked great, and could be used to enhance any of the popular logging
programs. Here's what I did with it for SO2R operations:
1. PgUp Key: I'm one that likes to know where the Focus always is. So I
reprogrammed the PgUp key to send the keystrokes {PAUSE}{F1}. Wherever
the foci were, they were brought together and a CQ was called. Since I
operated the entire contest as SO2R, as soon as the first CQ was
completed, I would again press the PgUp key, the foci would shift to the
other radio and it would call CQ.
2. PgDn Key: If I got an answer to my first CQ, as soon as the second
radio CQ was complete I would press the PgDn Key. That would send the
keystrokes {PAUSE}{F12}{F5}{F2}{SPACE}. In English, it would switch the
foci back to the first radio, GRAB the top call in the grab box (in
N1MM's F12 was just the macro {GRAB}, send his call, send the exchange,
and push the cursor to the RcvNr line for my input. When the station
sent his number, I keyed it in manually and manually pushed the ENTER
key when I was sure I had it correct.
3. Home Key: I set up the home key to emulate the "NEXT" function. It
would send the keystrokes {F11}{F10}{F5}{F2}{SPACE}, or in English, F11
in N1MM was {LOG}, F10 in N1MM was "TU {GRAB} NOW", F5 sent his call, F2
sent the Exchange, and Space put the cursor into the RcvNr window.
Unfortunately, this worked sometimes, and didn't work other times.
Sometimes, when I sent the TU message to the first station I worked,
N1MM would send his call again and he would go back to the top of the
Grab window. Sometimes, when I sent the TU message, his call wasn't
sent and the "NEXT" work fine. I haven't figured out what triggered the
call being sent. When this worked right, it didn't matter whether I was
SO2R or SO1R- it accomplished the NEXT function.
4. Scroll Lock: While I was at it, I reprogrammed this key to emulate
the ESC key.
5. End: Also, while I was at it, I reprogrammed this key to emulate the
ENTER key.
The last two keys were done so that I could emergency escape sending
without having to move my hand all the way to the ESC key, nor have to
move a hand or finger to the ENTER key.
AutoHotkey is a free program. If anyone would like a copy of the script
I wrote, please send me an email.
Necessity, of course, if the mother of invention. I have arthritis in
my fingers and wrists, and after the ARRL RU (where I did all the
keystrokes manually) my hands/wrist hurt bad for 2 days. After the WPX
this past weekend, my hands barely hurt more than normal. I figure the
above macros and AutoHotkey saved me over 10000 keystrokes this past
weekend, and made the keystrokes that I did make much easier on my bod.
Dennis W1UE/AJ1I
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