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Re: [RTTY] 2006 RTTY FD Activity

To: "'Dick Kriss'" <aa5vu@sbcglobal.net>,"'rtty-contesting'" <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] 2006 RTTY FD Activity
From: "Tyler Stewart" <k3mm@verizon.net>
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 00:18:37 -0400
List-post: <mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
RTTY activity is much lower than PSK, but it's a good idea to do a lot of
switching back and forth to catch the part-timers.


-----Original Message-----
From: rtty-bounces@contesting.com [mailto:rtty-bounces@contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Dick Kriss
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 12:30 PM
To: rtty-contesting
Subject: Re: [RTTY] 2006 RTTY FD Activity

On 6/19/06 11:00 AM, "rtty-request@contesting.com"
<rtty-request@contesting.com> wrote:

> Can anyone tell me the relative activity levels of RTTY vs. PSK31 in Field
> Day?
> Rick W1TY

Rick W1TY, 

Pretty limited in 2003/2004 but lots of activity in 2005; however, may of
the FD users did not understand how to do RTTY contest exchanges.  Some
would set up macros saying something like "PLEASE COPY 2A NC"  or voice like
exchanges.  Maybe some of us can set an example with contest exchanges and
hope the others get with the program.

How bout some comments from Mr. Bill Turner on FD macro tips?

I will be 1D STX this year as the guys I used to go to FD with run only QRP
and I decided to pass.  Trying to operate RTTY QRP at FD (in my opinion) is
a waste of time, effort, battery power and will only result in frustration.
With 40 to 80 watts there should be all kinds of stations to be worked.

I hope we see more RTTY and PSK activity this year.

73, Dick AA5VU

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