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Re: [RTTY] ARRL Bandwidth Proposal - FCC Invites Comments

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] ARRL Bandwidth Proposal - FCC Invites Comments
From: Bill Turner <dezrat1242@ispwest.com>
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 09:57:05 -0800
List-post: <mailto:rtty@contesting.com>

At 09:40 AM 1/14/2006, Charles Morrison wrote:

> > Your use of the word "working" puzzles me. Isn't what you've
> > described above just "software"? Is there "non-working" software?
> >
> > Bill, W6WRT
> >
> >
>A couple of things from Microsoft and most spy-ware programs come to mind.


 From your smiley I see you mean your comment to be taken humorously, 
and that's fine.

But do you thing it would be good to have written into the FCC rules 
that software has to actually work? What a concept!

And who would decide it it's "working" or not? If it works for me but 
not for you, would that be a violation? Could you sue?

My original point was that one must be careful when writing rules and 
regulations. Tossing in phrases like "working software" is just 
catnip for the lawyers.

Bill, W6WRT
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