Here is just one of several brands at TigerDirect.
They run from $5 - $14 depending on the rebates.
It is based on the Prolific chipset, that I have found works great
with programs like MMTTY, N1MM, and logger32 for rig control.
They also support FSK with the MMTTY EXTFSK add-on .dll in standalone
MMTTY and with N1MM contest logger. Logger32 does its own thing for
FSK and I have not gotten it to work FSK yet.
You will need to get the latest Prolific device drivers from the
Prolific website. Prolific released an update last month, for all
those who follow my ramblings about this subject.
For more info see my posting from yesterday on the MMTTY forum:
I have now verified several different brands of cheap Prolific based
USB2Serial cables for FSK operation, using WindowsME and WindowsXP,
using N1MM and MMTTY w/EXTFSK on my USB only Compaq and HP laptops in
the last three RTTY contests.
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