Let me be the first to say that the RTTY dinner was again a big success!
Many thanks to Jay, Betsy, Joe, Bill and any others involved. The food was
fantastic, lots of prizes were won, and a great story was told about
DXpeditioning on Mauritius! Besides our stateside friends, it was great to
meet DX in person, including DF4OR (Ekki) and VK4UC (John) and others.
The forum was good too, with Jay (WS7I), George (W1ZT), and Don (AA5AU)
giving us tips to success (Q's!). The -best- news is that there was a GREAT
attendance at both the RTTY Forum and at the Dinner! There were lots of new
faces and over 100 at the forum!
WX stunk. Oh well, at least some wise soul planned a RTTY -dinner- and not
a picnic!
Another good year at Dayton! I'm sure others will have comments and photos
as they get home.
73 - John, WA9ALS