Country: Yugoslavia, UN Protectorate of Kosovo
Class: Single OP., All Band, Low Power
Time on: 27 hours
80m: 118 241 35 0
40m: 200 444 42 12
20m: 260 602 49 22
15m: 220 522 42 19
10m: 171 435 37 19
Total: 969 QSOs
Total multipliers: 277
Score: 621.588
Station Description: FT-1000MP
Antenna(s): Multiband Windom (70m long), Indoor Dipole for 10m, GP for
SW: Writelog 10.35
Remarks: Nice contest and activity. I just put indoor dipole for 10m in
the garret on Saturday morning because my Windom doesn't want to tune on
this band. 171 QSOs on 10m was a big success with such a "killing
The youngest: UR4UWD (12)
The oldest: PA7PTR (91), W3KV (84)
73 de Robert, YU8/S57AW
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