Call used: VE6YR
Location: AB
Entry Class: SOAB HP
QSOs Points Zones DX: States Multipliers
80m: 22 45 5 4 14
40m: 101 226 13 22 33
20m: 234 591 19 51 31
15m: 602 1620 29 75 39
10m: 101 257 17 31 23
Total: 1060 2739 83 183 140 406
Claimed Score: 1112034
This was my best contest effort ever. Thank you to the propagation gods, the
sponsors and volunteers and to everyone who contacted me or tried to contact
me. It was great to work the Big Guns on five bands, like HC8N and AA5AU, but
if was the JA's and the D's and E's that boosted my number of QSO's. It was
old friends and new who gave me the multipliers, like Phil, GU0SUP, ZS6ANZ,
VU2WAP, the VK's, the ZL's, and so many other stations, many that I worked
for the first time. I hope I gave you a multiplier and helped increase your
score. It was fun.
73 de Bob VE6YR
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